Live the armed lifestyle
Armed Lifestyle Magazine will focus on the term “Armed” being an educated and prepared mindset to handle critical incidents with the confidence along with skillsets to use any tools needed such as med kits, heightened situational awareness, edged tools, handguns and more.
Not only do we explore our options through reviews, interviews and special features we will also spotlight ranges, instructors and top-quality training from around the world written by a staff of individuals who are National Rifle Association and USCCA certified instructors in their daily lives as well as being husbands, wives, non-for-profit volunteers, hunters, first responders and prominent figures within firearm industry.
Content will an assortment of topics such as new shooter empowerment, “It Happened to Me” survivor stories with what lessons were learned, introspective on what it means to a hunter to go into the field with their grandfather’s rifle years after he’s passed to feel closer to what they shared and how firearms can link us to our roots as well as create new memories. Even field to table features on top of range tips, suggestions for tried-and-true products and “How to” segments from the professionals.
Armed Lifestyle Magazine will distinguish itself as a celebration of our Second Amendment rights and “We the People” who live within it.
With so many new people exploring this world for the first time every day and those who attack it, this is OUR magazine and OUR voice!